YOUTH Programme

This programme for youth is a community based programme which will be focusing on Internship, Workshop and Capacity Building. The scheme will be unveiled latest Monday 30th September, 2019.

Be ready in your community! Carry your community along!. Achieve the planning, making and designing of Eco Friendly products and services

Enrol for Craftmanship, get basic understanding and the Technical Know–How about the use of related machines, and knowledge required in the service, making or in the production of the under listed:


Upon the completion of the workshop / training participants will be issued certificate(s) of participation and as well get financial assistance / logistics support  for business set up. More importantly, upon graduation participant will be invited to exhibit or showcase in our subsequent event and exhibition locally and internationally.

Note: Financial assistance will be on terms & conditions.


Nationwide dates, Venue and related Schedules for the training / workshop will be published on our website soon.

For Indication of interest fill the form below.

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