Because water plays a vital role in life substance on earth and the fact that it will become increasingly critical in the future considering the high growing rate in population and economic development. Now comes and conflicting demand for water for industrial, agriculture and domestic purpose in the face of water scarcity, inadequate infrastructure and limited access to water and habitat destruction and pollution, all of which affect water quality and quantity. The provision of and access to water has become a major concern in most countries where water supply shortage is pose as threat to their development.

The goal of the water use and supply management program as regard to our services is to increase the amount of water availability to users while protecting water resources, water-dependent natural systems and interrelated habitats. The ecosystem-based management approach ensures an integrated and holistic approach to all water demands including the management of river basins down to the coastal and marine areas. This involves our commitment to protection of forests, watersheds, wetlands, surface water (rivers, lakes, streams) and groundwater aquifers to ensure adequate water supply and acceptable water quality. Key attention is also given to the promotion of water reuse, recycling and other conservation measures in line with our organization objectivities as well as the upgrading of water supply and increase available water supply. Access to safe water at a convenient distance and at an affordable price to provide a boost to human health and productivity has always been our vocal point.

While many REGION are located in comparatively water-rich area, they all unfortunately face the same problem of water shortage due to decades of water misuse, destruction of tropical rainforest especially catchment area, severe water pollution, excessive extraction of groundwater and poor and unregulated land resource management. Given the many agencies involved in water management and with overlapping  function, institutional arrangement have place for the regulation of use and extraction, including proper allocation among various users; pollution reduction to mitigate contamination of surface water and groundwater, water tariff restructuring and application of market based instruments, such as user fees, to reflect the full value of water as a resource; and regular monitoring of surface and groundwater quality and quantity.


Groundwater from non-polluted areas is generally safe for domestic purpose – to drink, prepare food, wash cloths, bath and water the garden. Provided we have ascertained that chemical, microbiological and physical properties of water are acceptable for domestic users



In modern day, water is essential to people’s daily. Without water, restaurants could not supply meals or even clean up after the meals, cars would go unwashed, and fires could be disastrous, with no means of dousing the blaze. Green parks, recreational fields, and golf courses rely on water to keep the grass and soil moist and healthy. Roadways would become dirty and grimy in the absence of any water-based cleaning program. Offices would grind to a halt with no water available for drinking and bathrooms, and office buildings, stores, and public and private centers would also be dark places without the water necessary to generate electricity for lighting.


The water for these and other commercial uses comes from the surface and from underground (groundwater) sources. The extent to which a community uses a surface or a groundwater source depends on which source is more abundant in the particular area.



Industries require large supplies of water. Machinery relies on water to cool it to a temperature that allows the manufacturing process to keep going. The mining industry needs water to wash off the material that has been in oil producing regions, vast amount of water are used. As oil as well get older and the underlying oil reserve is tapped, it become more difficult to pump out oil that is hiding in cracks in the rock deep underground. One way of getting this is to pump water down into the oil formation. The water can make its way into cracks and crevasses and push the oil out in front of it. The oil is then pumped up using another well. Without this industrial uses of water, oil and gasoline would be more scarce and more expensive.


  • Drilling & construction of Borehole water
  • Water assessment Guide
  • Sampling Guide
  • Analysis Guide
  • Treatment Guide
  • Management Guide

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All thanks to a water borehole – ECO HERO!

At ECO SYNERGY we don’t judge water quality by looking

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